Breast milk storage options are a lot better than they used to be. Expressing breast milk safely and using good storage options is critical to the well-being of your child.
Here are some favorite storage options to save breast milk after pumping:
Storage Bags
Our favorite storage bags are the Medela Pump & Save Storage Bags. These are the best storage bags on the market. These handy collection bags allow you to pump directly into them…no need for transfer. They also have a pouring spout and area to label the contents and the date. They are thicker and more reliable than other brands we have tried. Available from
Breast Milk Trays
We have a clear favorite in this category:
Fresh Baby Food Trays
This is a fabulous idea that has been a long time coming. Use these handy trays to freeze breast milk in 1 oz. quantities. That way you can defrost only what you need- and never waste milk! They even have snap-on lids to prevent freezer burn and odors. Available from Amazon.
Bottle Storage:
There are two great options for bottle storage:
1. The MilkBank Vacuum Storage System has found a way to perserve your breastmilk in a whole new way. By using their system, vacuum-sealed storage bottles reduce your breast milk’s exposure to oxygen so that it does not spoil as fast and retains all its nutitional value. Available from
2. Our favorite bottle storage set is the Avent Breast Milk Storage Kit. They are simply the Avent four ounce bottles with nipple collars with seals. They work very well and are less likely to break or rip like a plastic bags can. Although it could get costly to use if you intend plan to store a lot of milk, most moms will be very happy with this method. They are really convenient because they can be used to pump into and feed out of with just a quick change of the top. Available from Amazon.
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