Click below to see answers to questions about breastfeeding weaning previously asked by visitors to our site…
Breastfeeding and Weaning Questions:
Refusing to Nurse or Eat
Visitor Question: My son is now 10 months old and has been breastfed from birth and all of a sudden last week he decided that he was no longer interested….
How to Help Pain of Weaning
Visitor Question: I have breastfed my daughter for 17 months and am now quitting. I was wondering if there is anything to help the process of drying …
My Baby is Getting Teeth
Visitor Question : Do I have to stop breastfeeding now that my baby is getting teeth? What if she bites me?
Breastfeeding Magazine Response:…
Breast Pain with Weaning
Visitor Question: I’ve been trying to wean my little girl, who is one year old, slowly, and my breasts seemed to be reacting fine, then we both got …
Stopped Nursing
Visitor Question: I have stopped nursing due to severalreasons, but I know there is still some breast milk left in my breasts.
I don’t feel engorged …
Weaning a Baby that I am His Pacifier
Visitor Breastfeeding Question: I have a healthy son who is 13 1/2 months. Since he turned one(6 weeks ago), I started giving him milk. Initially, he …
Caffeine Withdrawls after Stopping Breastfeeding?
Visitor Question: If my wife drank a lot of pop and the baby was fussy would she get withdrawals from caffeine if she just stoppedbreastfeeding? She …
Weaning to Solid Foods
Visitor Question: My son is almost 11 months old I want to slowly start weaning. My question is how often does an eleven month old, he is 20 lbs and …
3 Months and Gassy Should I Stop Breastfeeding?
Visitor Question: I have a very healthy 13lb 3 month old butshe is REALLY gassy and wakes up at night because of it. Should I switch to formula?
Breastfeeding …
What Do I Do with My Breast Milk?
Visitor Question: I have almost stopped giving my daughter breast milk. She is on whole milk. What do I have to do for my milk to stop coming in? Med,…
Breastfeeding, Pregnancy and Weaning
Visitor Question: I stopped breastfeeding my 21 month old son about 2 weeks ago. My breasts are tender sore and have clear fluid. I had a some what …
Quitting Breastfeeding
Visitor Question: I am having pain with one of my breasts because it has milk in it and not the other and I have quit feeding. What do I do for the …
Stop Breastfeeding
Visitor Question: How long after I stop breastfeeding should my breast dry up? At what point should I become concerned that they have not and possibly …
Weaning Off a Clingy Baby
Visitor Question; How do I wean a very clingy baby off the breastespecially at night time if she is waking up every two hours to get breastfeed mainly …
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